work with us
Let's find what's right for you & your family.
Time Intentional Method (T.I.Me)
In-person & Virtual Sessions
*Hourly rates discussed in your initial Fit & Function call
Individual Sessions
Parent Update/Summary with client (if applicable)
3 months : 1 month
*Insurance is Not accepted*
Unique Approach to Individual Work
Finding Our Nature has found that our unique three-fold approach encourages engagement by: 1) being intentional with focused time in therapy, 2) giving space to demonstrate application and growth, and then 3) digging in again to allow for the journey to continue in earnest. We have termed this approach the Time Intentional Method (T.I.Me) to reflect our goal of making the most of our time with each client. We use a 3:1 ratio. Meaning, we will be meeting for 3 months then taking 1 month for reflection. Reflection months show up in April, August, & December.
As a Reflection Month approaches you have many options for how your interactions with your coach will look; you and your coach will go over these to assess which would be the best fit. During these reflection months, you have time to apply your skills and practice concepts in a concentrated way. Your therapist will have office hours for the purpose of responding to those emails, fielding questions submitted, or to respond to any requests for check-in phone calls if you have chosen to take the full reflection month.
We then resume sessions to dig back in and ensure we are on track with our focus together for the next 3 months. For in-person clients we use a blend of real-world/nature-based settings & video sessions to further integrate and normalize our work together.
Post-Treatment Intensive
Packages Negotiated
Often 3 sessions/wk for 1st month
*Coaching available in all states
Individual & Parent Sessions
(in home options when available)
Family Sessions
Integration & Community Engagement Planning
Full hand-off received from previous program
Integrating what has been done through Family Work
If you have had experience within any intensive treatment settings you know that you have been "drinking from a firehose." Applying all you've learned and holding on to the growth and change is another journey entirely...for both the student and the family! We offer packages that provide an intentional tapering of sessions typically over a 3 month period, starting with multiple weekly sessions as you settle into your new environment and narrowing down to single weekly interactions.
We achieve our results by gaining a sense of what is needed and working with all involved to put together each week in a way that will effectively address immediate needs. Some individual sessions will wind up being an hour and a half, some sessions will include parents, some sessions will be with only parents and the student is invited in at the end. Some sessions are in home (location dependent) and some are in the community. Determining best fit each week is needed and clinician and family will need to understand the picture for each week.
If you are not located in Utah, often it makes sense to have your coach travel to you when appropriate for local visits. In that instance you and your coach will arrange for the necessary travel and lodging to deploy the agreed upon configuration of back-to-back sessions while they are in your area. Usually this looks like 2 successive days with 2-3 sessions per day.
Coaching Groups
8-week Programs
*Discount on multiple blocks
Engaging Community
Combined Individual & Group Settings
Weekly Q&A Email
Voxer Facilitated Support
Parent & Care-Giver Work
We have often heard it said, "If only there were a manual for this parenting gig!" Well, there still is not a manual but there is an opportunity to treat your parenting as seriously as you have other aspects of life (i.e. your career). Setting aside time and energy is what is needed to truly feel like we are mastering any skill...parenting should not be an exception.
Parent groups run in 8-week blocks to focus on implementation and intentionality. You are not alone in wanting to find a way to communicate and connect with your reclusive teen or tween...or even young adult! We each have our own blind spots that prevent us from fully seeing any other way of doing things. This is your best route to focusing on the parts you can control. We learn best and quickest within a group setting and we are aware that it can be hard to dive into a group initially. We meet individually for 4 weeks and then use the remaining 6 to utilize collaborative learning within the group.
We will determine the exact present conditions of your relationship and how your child views you. We will work to understand where your child is at along the spectrum of peer orientation. There are many topics covered and each 10-week block brings new faces and scenarios that help in honing our parenting and care-giving skills.